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Rose Window

Rose Window - rose window, also called wheel window,  in Gothic architecture, decorated circular window, often glazed with stained glass. Scattered examples of decorated circular

windows existed in the Romanesque period

St. ann parish

180 Samuel Blvd, Coppell, TX - 75019


*the design on the rose window could not be seen due to the suns light

Rose windows originate grom gothic architectural tradition.

They give the visitors of what the structre is dedicated to and gives a grandiose look to the windows. They also lighten the interior with myystical light forming due to stained glasses.

The architect was trying to convey the story of the jesus on this particualr rose window which would have been visible when seen dierectly or at night(sorry about that). In addition to succesfully describing the story the location of rose window grasps the attention of the viewers.


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